Early all of the organs and developmental stages analyzed; however, this was not the case for ZmCPK23 and ZmCPK24. These final results recommend that the majority of the CDPK genes could play a crucial function in maize development.Next, quantitative realtime RTPCR analysis was performed to examine the CDPK gene expression patterns in roots, leaves and stems. Most of our qRTPCR data have been constant with the microarray information. ZmCPK5, ZmCPK14, ZmCPK17, ZmCPK28, ZmCPK29, ZmCPK31 and ZmCPK33 were predominantly expressed in stems. For instance, ZmCPK29 and ZmCPK31 showed a 6fold and 16fold enhance, respectively, in their expression in stems relative to their expression in roots (Figure 5). NtCDPK1 is also very expressed in stems [54]. Three on the 12 ZmCPKs (ZmCPK11, ZmCPK37, and ZmCPK39) were predominantly expressed in roots. In contrast, the ZmCPK22 transcript levels in leaves have been greater than in roots and stems (Figure 5). Intriguingly, four maizerice orthologs (ZmCPK11 and OsCPK10, ZmCPK28 and OsCPK19, ZmCPK29 and OsCPK16, ZmCPK33 and OsCPK8) exhibited comparable tissuespecific expression patterns [55].Expression profiles of the maize CDPK genes under abiotic stressIncreasing evidence indicates that CDPKs are involved in numerous physiological adaptations in response to environmental stimuli, and the expression of CDPK genes are also regulated by various stimuli, including hormones, salt, cold, drought, heat and wounding. In wheat, ten out of 14 CDPK genes appeared to respond to abiotic tension like drought, NaCl and ABA [36]. To recognize the effects of CDPK gene expression on maize stress responses, 14dayold maize seedlings were treated underFigure four Expression profiles of maize CDPK genes across distinctive tissues and developmental stages. The scale representing the relative signal intensity values is shown above. DAP: Days After Pollination; DAS: Days Soon after Sowing.Kong et al. BMC Genomics 2013, 14:433 http://www.biomedcentral.com/14712164/14/Page 8 ofFigure 5 Tissuespecific gene expressions of 12 CDPK genes in numerous tissues by quantitative realtime RTPCR analysis. The scale representing the relative signal intensity values is shown above. Hierarchical clustering was played in information analysis.N-Mal-N-bis(PEG4-NH-Boc) site R: roots; S: stems; L: leaves.11-Mercaptoundecanoic acid site conditions of 250 mM NaCl (salt), 20 PEG (drought) and 4 (cold).PMID:23812309 We examined the expression levels of 12 maize CDPKs by qRTPCR. As shown in Figure 6, NaCl therapy triggered a marked decrease in the transcription levels of 9 CDPK genes (ZmCPK1, ZmCPK5, ZmCPK11, ZmCPK17, ZmCPK22, ZmCPK29, ZmCPK31, ZmCPK33 and ZmCPK39) in roots. The ZmCPK14 and ZmCPK37 transcript levels enhanced 3.5 and 2.9fold, respectively,at 1 h immediately after NaCl treatment (Figure 6), whereas NaCl slightly upregulated ZmCPK28 expression (Figure 6). In rice, eight CDPKs transcripts had been downregulated in response to salt pressure. The expression levels of ZmCPK11, ZmCPK29, ZmCPK31 and ZmCPK37 showed a higher degree of similarity using the expression levels of their orthologs in rice (OsCPK10, OsCPK16, OsCPK3 and OsCPK20), which had been also downregulated in responseFigure 6 Expression evaluation of 12 CDPK genes in roots of maize exposed to 250 mM NaCl for several times as indicated by quantitative realtime RTPCR analysis. The scale representing the relative signal intensity values is shown above. Hierarchical clustering was played in data evaluation.Kong et al. BMC Genomics 2013, 14:433 http://www.biomedcentral.com/14712164/14/Page 9 ofto NaCl treatment [19]. Even though a number of studies.