25-hydroxyvitamin D level and each and every on the continuous predictors was drastically not linear (p-value for linearity test was 0.0001, 0.0295, 0.0001, 0.009 and 0.0002 for age, median household earnings, % of individuals born outside of Canada, percent of people of aboriginal decent and percent of population with at the very least some post-secondary education, respectively). Figure three graphically displays the nonlinear relationships in between 25-hydroxyvitamin D level and each and every on the continuous predictors, with each and every graph displaying the adjusted difference in mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D level (as indicated around the y-axis) amongst people with any worth from the corresponding continuous predictor (as indicated on the x-axis) and individuals using the specified reference value (as described in Figure 3), when the other continuous variables plus gender and month of 25-hydroxyvitamin D testing had been adjusted for. Interestingly, as shown in Figure three, when other covariates had been controlled within the generalized estimating equation model, median household earnings and percent of folks of aboriginal descent showed only incredibly modest associations with 25-hydroxyvitamin D level, while the associations were statistically important. In contrast, education showed a clear partnership in that the mean levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D were higher in census dissemination areas that had a greater proportion of individuals with no less than some post-secondary education.166978-46-7 Price Similarly, census dissemination location immigrant status was associated to reduced census dissemination location levels of 25hydroxyvitamin D.Buy620960-38-5 The function for age was more complicated with a nadir at age around 35 years then a steady increaseNaugler et al. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:316 http://biomedcentral/1471-2458/13/Page four ofTable 2 Information summary on the individual- and census dissemination area-level variables included inside the evaluation, stratified by the presence of vitamin D insufficiencyVariable Age (years) Mean (SD) Gender, n ( ) Female Month of Vitamin D testing, n ( ) January Feburary March April May perhaps June July August September October November December Median (IQR1) Median (IQR) Median (IQR) Median (IQR)Vitamin D insufficient ( 50 nmol/L) (N=41,401) 47.7 (14.4) 24262 (58.six) 4084 (9.9) 4210 (ten.two) 6025 (14.6) 4371 (ten.6) 3999 (9.7) 4345 (10.five) 2939 (7.1) 2863 (six.9) 2015 (four.9) 2265 (5.5) 2277 (five.5) 2008 (four.9) 70690 (52623?7577) 25.six (17.3-37.1) 1.7 (0.0 – three.four) 49.0 (35.9-62.six)Vitamin D sufficient ( 50 nmol/L) (N=116,926) 53.six (15.four) 78417 (67.1) 10615 (9.1) 10996 (9.four) 12657 (ten.8) 11153 (9.five) 12245 (ten.5) 12409 (ten.six) 10736 (9.two) 10912 (9.3) 6723 (5.PMID:24190482 7) 6745 (5.8) 6618 (five.7) 5117 (4.four) 73831 (55649?6393) 21.0 (14.1-29.9) 1.6 (0.0 – three.0) 56.9 (43.9-67.9)Total (N=158,327) 52.1 (15.four) 102679 (64.9) 14699 (9.3) 15206 (9.six) 18682 (11.eight) 15524 (9.eight) 16244 (ten.3) 16754 (10.6) 13675 (eight.six) 13775 (8.7) 8738 (five.five) 9010 (five.7) 8895 (five.six) 7125 (4.5) 73264 (54982?4482) 22.3 (14.8-31.9) 1.6 (0.0 – three.1) 55.7 (41.1 – 66.7)Median household revenue on the dissemination area ( CDN) % of men and women in the dissemination region not born in Canada % of aboriginals within the dissemination region % of men and women = 25 years old inside the dissemination region with an university degreeIQR=interquartile range.in vitamin D level before leveling off around age 65 years (Figure three). Moreover, gender had also a statistically significant association with 25-hydroxyvitamin D level, with females exhibiting on average a 25-hydroxyvitamin D.