Onsensus sequence in G. hirsutum and comparison of DYW deaminase domain in Gossypium. The capital letters represent hugely conserved, lowercase letters indicate reduced conservative. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0174201.gWe also obtained the comprehensive consensus sequence of the G. hirsutum DYW deaminase domain containing a part of the E domain, the whole E+ domain, plus the DYW domain (Fig 2). We compared this sequence using the DYW deaminase domain sequences from other three cotton species. Additionally, we obtained a conserved PG box sequence on the E and E+ domains as described by Hayes et al. (2013). The PG box may possibly bind to distinctive things to produce editing elements, although the part in the PG box in editing events has not been clarified [21]. The intact DYW deaminase domain sequences have been extremely comparable amongst the diverse analyzed cotton species, and contained the PG box, HxEx. . .CxxCH, and CxCxDYW motifs. These results indicate the DYW deaminase and DYW domains may exhibit comparable molecular qualities and functions.PLOS One | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0174201 March 24,7 /A genome-wide identification and evaluation of your DYW-deaminase genes in cottonA1(Chr1)A2(Chr2)0.6 two.0 two.4 five.four Gh_A02G0074 Gh_A02G0176 Gh_A02G0212 Gh_A02GA3(Chr3)A4(Chr4)A5(Chr5)A6(Chr6)A7(Chr7)A8(Chr8)A9(Chr9)A10(Chr10)A11(Chr11)A12(Chr12)A13(Chr13)1.3 two.Gh_A01G0144 Gh_A01G0.five 7.2 15.5 Gh_A03G0377 Gh_A03GGh_A04G0046 6.1 7.7 16.9 Gh_A05G0567 Gh_A05G0745 Gh_A05G0.Gh_A06G2.three 3.Gh_A07G0183 Gh_A07G0290 10.2 Gh_A08G0.Gh_A09G3.0 9.Gh_A10G0329 Gh_A10G14.Gh_A06G20.Gh_A01G0876 30.7 Gh_A02G0889 40.9 47.three Gh_A03G0850 54.three 60.0 68.3 Gh_A02G1199 Gh_A04G0834 Gh_A04G1004 Gh_A04G18.eight 18.9 23.8 29.Gh_A07G0989 Gh_A07G0992 Gh_A07G1125 Gh_A07G5.1257637-82-3 structure five six.Formula of (1-Methylcyclopentyl)methanol 1 7.PMID:24381199 7 15.1 17.1 18.Gh_A11G0575 Gh_A11G0632 Gh_A11G0779 Gh_A11G1224 Gh_A11G1329 Gh_A11G8.8 9.7 9.eight 10.8 12.eight 14.9 18.two 33.Gh_A12G0429 Gh_A12G0451 Gh_A12G0458 Gh_A12G0486 Gh_A12G0524 Gh_A12G0594 Gh_A12G0640 Gh_A12G4.Gh_A13G19.Gh_A13G32.Gh_A13G42.Gh_A01G42.2 48.7 Gh_A06G1003 53.7 63.0 63.2 65.7 70.0 72.four 74.5 88.six 91.five 99.3 101.1 Gh_A06G1533 Gh_A06G1611 98.7 101.0 101.1 Gh_A08G1382 Gh_A08G1494 Gh_A08G1810 Gh_A08G1988 Gh_A08G1996 Gh_A09G0759 Gh_A09G1156 Gh_A09G1172 Gh_A09G1303 Gh_A09G1638 Gh_A09G1921 Gh_A09G2140 Gh_A09GGh_A10G1047 Gh_A12G0837 50.four 58.7 63.eight 68.six 78.2 80.4 Gh_A11G2278 Gh_A11G2342 Gh_A11G2657 Gh_A11G2821 78.9 84.9 85.four 85.six Gh_A12G1295 Gh_A12G1713 Gh_A12G2221 Gh_A12G2273 Gh_A12G2290 70.5 76.two Gh_A13G0941 Gh_A13G1039 Gh_A13G1155 Gh_A13G1386 Gh_A13G53.8 60.8 Gh_A11G70.Gh_A05G70.Gh_A06G67.2 74.three 78.Gh_A07G1662 Gh_A07G1888 Gh_A07G88.six 95.3 96.9 97.1 97.Gh_A01G1420 Gh_A01G1674 Gh_A01G1752 Gh_A01G1766 Gh_A01G82.Gh_A02G1606 90.8 97.eight Gh_A03G1304 Gh_A03G1665 89.5 Gh_A05G3440 92.2 Gh_A10G88.8 91.D1(Chr15)1.1 1.6 two.1 15.three 26.9 Gh_D01G0153 Gh_D01G0189 Gh_D01G0242 Gh_D01G0912 Gh_D01GD2(Chr14)0.6 1.1 1.2 two.8 6.2 Gh_D02G0089 Gh_D02G0129 Gh_D02G0135 Gh_D02G0240 Gh_D02GD3(Chr17)D4(Chr22)D5(Chr19)0.6 0.8 four.5 five.7 7.4 7.7 16.5 Gh_D05G0051 Gh_D05G0078 Gh_D05G0556 Gh_D05G0696 Gh_D05G0877 Gh_D05G0911 Gh_D05GD6(Chr25)D7(Chr16)D8(Chr24)D9(Chr23)D10(Chr20)D11(Chr21)D12(Chr26)3.3 7.0 7.5 7.six 8.five 9.9 14.9 18.3 28.2 31.5 Gh_D12G0250 Gh_D12G0425 Gh_D12G0454 Gh_D12G0461 Gh_D12G0494 Gh_D12G0538 Gh_D12G0688 Gh_D12G0748 Gh_D12G0860 Gh_D12GD13(Chr18)0.Gh_D03G2.Gh_D04G2.6 11.Gh_D06G0241 Gh_D06G2.six 3.six 15.1 15.2 22.Gh_D07G0238 Gh_D07G0345 Gh_D07G1067 Gh_D07G1070 Gh_D07G1380 Gh_D07G1658 Gh_D07G1662 Gh_D07G1876 Gh_D07G2103 Gh_D07G3.four 9.Gh_D08G0.